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Choosing a guided tour of Brera Gallery allows you to see paintings of great value. The Art Gallery was born in fact as a collection centre of famous paintings and headquarter of Brera Academy and the Brera Library. Brera is a neighbourhood inside Milan. This important complex takes place during the second half of 1700 when the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, decided to subsidize the arts setting up a school.

Guided tour of Brera Gallery and its treasures

A guided tour of Brera Gallery and its treasures is a fundamental landmark for who arrive to visit Milan because it’s one of the largest art collections of our country.
The gallery consists of 35 rooms and was opened August 15, 1809 by Napoleon Bonaparte as can be seen from the monumental statue dedicated to him by Antonio Canova in the middle of the courtyard.
Brera’s collections have their origin in the French Emperor's will of making this palace the headquarter of treasures which he won during his battles around Europe, and as a clearing house of art works contained in private and religious centre of Milan and Lombardy.
The Brera Gallery is specialized in the paintings related to the regions of Veneto and Lombardia, and it offers a historical overview from prehistory to contemporary art. Over decades and in the following century until the Second World War numerous paintings of famous artists such as Canaletto, Tiepolo or Correggio were bought here. A guided tour of Brera Gallery and its treasures and its treasures is therefore inevitable.

Guided tour of Brera Gallery and its rooms

Buying a guided tour of Brera Gallery and its rooms offers an overall view of a long period of Venetian and Lombard art. By following the guide explanation through the many rooms of the museum you will be able to see the masterpieces of famous Italian artists. The first part concerns the Middle Ages and the “Gold funds”, preceding the Renaissance art: the true focus of the museum thanks to various famous works such as:  “the dead Christ” by Mantegna, Giovanni Bellini's “Pity”, and the “Marriage of the Virgin” by Raphael. The next important part concerns the seventeenth century, as it combines the trends of Classicism, Baroque and Naturalism with the work of Caravaggio, which is the “Emmaus Supper”.
The rooms dedicated to the eighteenth century introduce us to the biggest masters of the time, such as Giambattista Tiepolo and Canaletto, famous for his landscapes. The last room is dedicated to the nineteenth century and hosts a painting became an icon of the museum, The Kiss by Francesco Hayez.
A guided tour to the Brera Gallery and its rooms allow you to see in addition to these other important paintings.