Reservation entrances to the Brera Gallery is the only way to be able to see in person famous paintings like “The Kiss” by Francesco Hayez or “The Lamentation of Christ” by Mantegna as well as numerous works which are carried in temporary exhibition in three halls inside the museum in order to the "Brera mai vista" project. The works mainly come from the museum's archives and often are made as detailed study of the artists already exhibited in the halls.
Reservation entrances to the Brera Gallery to see Hayez
Many people reserve entrances to the Brera Gallery to see Hayez famous paintings. The most famous is certainly “The Kiss” showing two young lovers kissing in a passionate way. The full title that the artist gave to the work was much longer than the one we have today. The work is an oil on canvas 112x88 cm and it was painted by the artist in 1859 in his already mature age and where we can see already in his Risorgimento ideas.
The scene is set in a medieval context and represents two young lovers who kiss each other tenderly. Due to the strong emotional charge, is clear that the canvas is full of Risorgimento impulses, wanting to symbolize love for the motherland and the struggle for the foreign ruler.
The work is also considered the romantic art manifesto in Italy. The reservation of entrances to the Brera Gallery to see Hayez is also a way to pay tribute to an Italy who has never surrendered until it has not become one big country.
Reservation entrances to the Brera Gallery to see the portrait of Manzoni
The reservation of entrances to the Brera Gallery to see the portrait of Manzoni is absolutely necessary for everyone who wants to know and admire the paintings of this great nineteenth century Italian artist. The work: “ The portrait of Alessandro Manzoni” is an autographical painting by the painter Francesco Hayez, made with the technique of oil painting on canvas in 1841, and measuring 1117x91 cm.
The artist created this painting in the period when he came to Milan and met some great figures as precisely Alessandro Manzoni.
The work was performed in Villa Lesa of Conti Stampa in contemporary with the painting of the philosopher Antonio Rosmini and the Massimo D'Azeglio writer. An identical copy and autographical of 1874 is exhibited instead at the Art Gallery of Milan as well as a play performed in 1876 by the painter Gerosa on behalf of the Institute of Science and Letters in Milan. Buying reservation entrances to the Brera Gallery to see the portrait of Manzoni is the way to see the only portrait of the great writer.